The Death of Hamlet (La Mort d' Hamlet), from the Hamlet series
Eugène Delacroix
French, 1798–1863
The Death of Hamlet (La Mort d' Hamlet), from the Hamlet series
Eugène Delacroix (French, 1798–1863)
1843, printed 1843–1864
Black and white lithograph on wove paper
11 3/8 × 8 1/16 inches
Purchase in honor of Mrs. Robert Wells, President 1972-1973 of the Members Guild
Accession #
Currently not on view
Hamlet and Laertes, Ophelia’s brother, mortally wound each other in a duel. Meanwhile, the queen has died from poison the king had intended for Hamlet. In the play, Hamlet kills Claudius before dying himself, but this is omitted in Delacroix’s version. The action returns to the castle state room where it began. The actors now are precariously arranged along a descending diagonal, symbolizing the collapse of the ruling family.
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