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American HIGHlights

Thomas Wilmer Dewing (American, 1851–1938), A Reading (or Woman in Windsor Chair), ca. 1909, oil on linen, purchase with funds from The Sara Giles Moore Foundation in memory of Sara Giles Moore, 2017.27.

The High’s American Art collection features iconic nineteenth-century sculpture including William Wetmore Story’s monumental Cleopatra and Medea marbles, landscapes by John Frederick Kensett and Martin Johnson Heade, Portrait of Ralph Curtis on the Beach at Scheveningen by John Singer Sargent, and Sketch of Mother Looking Down at Thomas by Mary Cassatt. Landmark twentieth-century paintings include works by Joseph Stella, Georgia O’Keeffe, Norman Lewis, and Romare Bearden.

Anni Pullagura

Anni Pullagura

Margaret and Terry Stent Associate Curator of American Art