Explore CollectionsAmerican ArtPrints


John Steuart Curry (American, 1897–1946), John Brown, 1938, lithograph on paper, purchase with funds from the Lawrence and Alfred Fox Foundation for the Ralph K. Uhry Collection, 1977.14.

The High’s holdings of American prints offer examples by major innovators in the field, including an outstanding suite of important etchings by James A. McNeill Whistler. Twentieth-century highlights include the Ralph K. Uhry Collection and the Carl and Marion Mullis Collection, both featuring Associated American Artists lithographs by twentieth-century luminaries Thomas Hart Benton, Marion Greenwood, Rockwell Kent, and George Bellows. The collection also boasts strengths in woodblock prints, linocuts, and engravings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Anni Pullagura

Anni Pullagura

Margaret and Terry Stent Associate Curator of American Art