Ryoji Ikeda (born 1966, Gifu, Japan; active Paris and Kyoto) is one of the world’s leading composers and media artists. His art challenges how we understand the universe and our place in it through sound, light, materials, and scientific data composed into stimulating experiences of the unknown and the infinite. Ikeda’s immersive video projections feature visualizations of data extracted from mathematical theories and the study of quantum physics, among other categories of study and territories of knowledge.
The artist’s first museum exhibition in the United States, Ryoji Ikeda: data-verse includes seven chapters that present an encounter between the limits of human comprehension and Ikeda’s audiovisual representations of limitlessness—the vastness of the universe.
Together, the works in the exhibition offer a multisensory journey that refreshes and renews how we perceive and understand the universe and our relationship to it, a central theme of Ikeda’s work, which he prefers to be experienced rather than analyzed.
PLEASE NOTE: Spaces in this exhibition are dark, and some works feature loud or sudden sounds, as well as flashing lights and strobe effects. Please proceed with care when entering the exhibition.