Culture Collective

Whether you deeply love art or are simply curious about creativity, the High Museum of Art is your destination for lifelong learning. Each month Culture Collective offers conversations, workshops, classes, and events that energize the mind and expand appreciation of art and one another. Find new insights, build creative skills, and discover ways of seeing the world as you connect at the High. For more information on Culture Collective, email or call 404-733-5034.

Art Conversations

Ignite your curiosity and reflect with great works of art and thoughtful questions.

group of older adults discussing a work of art.

Art Making

Explore your creativity with professional teaching artists, high-quality materials, and skill-building techniques in workshops and courses at the High! We offer both single-day programs—Drawing from Experience and Studio Workshops—and multiday Studio Classes.

man making art with other people making art at different tables in the background

Every Third Wednesday

Access for All

Enjoy free admission and drop-in programming for adults of all ages. Whether you like to enjoy art in the galleries, join a conversation, or create your own masterpiece, come as you are and stay as long as you like.

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Every Second Wednesday

Musing Together

Musing Together is a monthly art conversation program designed for individuals with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia and their care partners.

Senior adults talking while sitting on stools

Art After Loss

Older adults who have experienced the death of a loved one and are interested in connecting with others through art are invited to join a four-week art conversation group at the High Museum of Art. We will reflect, discuss, and be with one another each week as we look at art in a supportive space.

A group of people sitting on stools in an art gallery, listening to a woman in a colorful dress explaining a painting. The gallery features several large paintings displayed on white walls.

Group Visits

Groups are welcome to book self-guided visits, facilitated tours, and virtual art conversations. If you are a lifelong learning group, aging service organization, senior center, senior living community, or other group serving older adults in our community, our Culture Collective team is available to help coordinate your visit or virtual program.

A man in all black talks to a group of smartly dressed adults inside the modern and contemporary galleries at the High Museum

Convening on Arts and Aging

At our Convening on Arts and Aging colleagues from museums, arts centers, aging-services organizations, senior residences and beyond came together to explore how engaging with art can foster learning, creativity, and meaningful social connections for older adults and across generations.

A group of four women sit in a circle while holding clip boards

Generous support is provided by the Institute for Museum and Library Services and The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation.