We raise a glass to the Wineries who are participating in the 2023 Wine Auction. Our events would not be possible without the generosity (and delicious juice) of these amazing wineries. We encourage our benefactors, sponsors, and guests to support them. Click below to visit their websites to learn more about them, join their mailing list, and most of all order some wine!

Participating Wineries
Almacerro | Innumero Wines | Pinea Wine |
Annulus Cellars | Jarvis Estate | Revana Family Wines |
Aperture Cellars | Joseph Jewell Wines | Reynolds Family Winery |
Arbo Vineyards | Kamen Estate Wines | Riise Wine |
Arrow&Branch | Kanzler Family Vineyards | Rombauer Vineyards |
axr napa valley | Keplinger Wines | Sangiacomo |
Brick & Mortar Wines | Lando Wines | Sire Estate |
Brooks Wines | Lang & Reed Wine Company | Skipstone |
Ca’ del Bosco | Lasseter Family Winery | Somnium Wine |
Chappellet Winery | Law Estate Wines | Sphaerics Wine |
Chenoweth Wines | Limerick Lane Winery | T. Berkley Wines |
CHEV Wine | Littorai Wines | Thompson 31Fifty Wines |
CIRQ Estate Vineyards | Lussier Wine Co. | Three Sticks Winery |
Cliff Lede Vineyards | Monday Night Brewing | Venge Vineyards |
Cornell Vineyards | Parallel Napa Valley Wines | Vérité Wines |
Fait-Main Wines | Patel Napa Valley | VIK Wine |
Frank Family Vineyards | Patz & Hall | William Cole Vineyards |
Groth Vineyards & Winery | Paula Kornell Sparkling | Williams Selyem |
Hamel Family Wines | PEJU – Napa Valley | Winery Sixteen600 |
Hirsch Vineyards | Phifer Pavitt Wine | ZD Wines |
Hourglass Wine Co. |